Thursday, May 10, 2018


When European colonizers arrived on the North American continent there were as many as ten million indigenous people here. This was their land - their home place. The newcomers called themselves “settlers” and employed the mythology of unoccupied spaces, undeserving savages, and white superiority to justify the horror we now recognize as genocide. They were not “settlers” - they were invaders.

The invaders, sponsored by church, state and financial interests, came for the wealth they could claim; minerals, land, and even the indigenous people themselves. Altruism was not in evidence – greed ruled the day. It should be no surprise that the indigenous people resisted, as was their right and responsibility to do. Their resistance continues to today. They struggle to protect their people, their lands, and the planet from environmental degradation caused by the invaders’ continuing exploitation of mineral resources.

Today the invaders are represented by corporations, artificial entities which have been anointed in their single-minded goal of amassing more wealth from the land and its occupants. Now, the nation we seem so unjustifiably proud of, and its occupants - that is us, are the victims of a new colonization, a corporate colonization. Of course, this invasion is not limited to America - the corporate invaders are not restrained by national boundaries and boldly exult their global industrialization and economic hegemony.

It would be poetic if not so terrible. The conquerors are now the conquered. The avarice and greed which brought Europeans to this part of the world has turned on us and threatens to reduce the United States to third world status. We must resist. We have a responsibility to protect our communities, our young, and the planet from the environmental and social degradation the corporate occupation is causing.

How will you resist? Will you take part in the insurgency? Fortunately, there are many opportunities for citizens to revolt. The most easily applied resistance is the boycott. Discover which corporations fail to respect their workforce, damage the environment, or evade paying taxes, and do no further business with that corporation. Find the information you need at or search for a list of the worst offenders at: ITEP Corp Tax reform  At the top of my list is Amazon.

Discover which politicians are collaboratorssee who they work for: Open Secrets 

Resist, Rise-up, Revolt! Tell your friends and neighbors to do the same.

For more resistance ideas visit “Protest v. Revolt” link at left.


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